Hi there!

Welcome to my secondary blog. This is mostly where I'll be posting what I've written/created. If it doesn't make sense, don't worry, you're not alone-**I** barely understand half of this myself. Questions? Don't be afraid to ask in the comments! If you're looking for/interested in my regular blog, here ya go: http://chaosrulesmesoclosethebox.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The dance

The music made no sense to me, ecstatic as I was. The colors and shapes and people all blurred together in my head. I couldn’t eat or drink. Finally, the hour struck. I picked up the princess’s train, trying to keep my fingers from trembling. Thr trumpets sounded but were deaf to my ears. I tried to look interested in everything, but I had only eyes for Ben. We entered the main ballroom and I could hear clapping. I began scanning the faces of everyone, looking for him.
There, in the lineup of servants, he bowed to her. He was dressed in a deep blue that heightened his skin and a deep dark black coat that brought out his eyes. He looked stunning. We made eye contact and he bowed a fraction lower, his eyes simmering. I burned on the inside; just wanting to hold him, be safe in his arms, feel his lips on mine.
The princess reached the pedestal and I disconnected her train, bowing as she turned around. The prince came up to her and kissed her hand. I backed away slowly into the crowd of servants. My heart was thudding so hard in my chest I felt like even the king could hear it. I tried in vain to control it by slowing my breathing. I could pay no more attention to the goings on with Their Majesties.
The music started up again. Suddenly, he was there, taking my hand. He guided me around the dance floor, turning and careening, to and fro. We moved together as if we were the only people in the room, never ceasing, never looking away from each other. His eyes bored into mine and I felt as f he could see my very soul, every dark crevice as equal to him as if it shone as brightly as the rest. I wished he could see such, for that is how I wanted him to know me-every inch of me, every ounce of being, all the little things I tried to hide from the rest of the world and I wanted to know him in the same ways.
The music propelled us; sometimes spinning out of control, sometimes so slow it seemed time had stopped.
The music began to slow. Ben spun me around and brought me back, so that my back was to his front and he leaned down to kiss my neck, then my lips as the music stopped altogether. He held me close to him as the prince led the princess up to the pedestal.
“Lords and ladies, gentlemen and women, may I have your attention please. The princess and I would like to announce that we have decided to be married. She has graciously accepted my offer of marriage and I do love her so much that I wish nothing more than to marry her this very night, would she be so inclined.”
The princess launched herself into his arms. The people around us were clapping, hooting, cheering. But I was frozen. My very blood had stopped cold. If there had been anything in my stomach I would have retched. Ben squeezed my hand, but neither of us moved more than that.
My world was crumbling apart just when I had glued, pasted, and taped it back together.
When I started breathing again, everyone was dancing again around us, giving us curious glances as they twirled around us. Finally, I gained enough self control to pull Ben out to the courtyard. Once he started moving, he got ahead of me, storming to the doors. He threw them open so hard that they bounced back into the frames as soon as I had slipped through them.
Ben had gained several yards on me. He was squatting on his heels, his head in his hands.
My shoes clacked on the cobblestones as I walked towards him. A foot from him, he stood and spun, grabbing me and kissing me hard, as if he thought we’d never see each other again.
He broke apart and hugged me close, as if he wanted to absorb me into his body, keep me next to his heart, safe and warm and always there. I hugged him back just as tight, trying to memorize everything about this moment-every smell, every feeling, every fiber, and every sound. I closed my eyes and gave my attention to everything-the pine needle/horse/rain smell that swam around Ben, the soft satin of his coat, the feel of his arms around me, my ribs creaking with the force with which he crushed me to his chest, his breath in my ear, the soft patter of light rain on the stones, the music in the background.

uh oh..

I clenched my fists and stared at Jezzie. Her face was blank, her hand slowly lowering to her side. My cheek stung and I could feel the blood flooding my face, the pressure in my head so great I could’ve exploded, my eyes blurred with tears of rage.
“What are you going to do, Joella? Will you strike me back? Are you really going to strike your master? Do you dare? Do you really have the audacity?”
She grinned maliciously at me, knowing if I so much as raised a hand to strike her back, I would be exiled at the least. I could feel my fingernails digging into my palms, small droplets of blood creating rivulets down my fingers and puddling on the floor. If I did strike her, as my honor demanded, would be put to death.
But I had promises to keep.
So I ran.
I ran to my room, packed what I simply could not live without or leave behind and went down to the kitchens. No one was about so I took several canteens and a medium sized pack of bread, salted meat, and preserved fruits.
Making sure to avoid everyone I knew would hinder me, I made my way to the stables. Adding mule feed to my load, I saddled Brilda as quickly as I could. She threw her head and stomped, knowing I was distressed. Her eyes rolled and I calmed her the best I could, making sure to give herself some peppermints.
We rode as fast as she could go, not daring to stop for hours. When we finally did, I could think rationally again. I rubbed Brilda down then we both settled into the sand to eat a little bit. I needed to plan.
I had to find Ben, somehow. That was my ultimate goal. If I found Ben, everything would be alright.
To do so, I needed Jes, who was hard enough to find himself.
I knew any royalty, at any time, anywhere, would know where he was. So to find Jes, I needed a princess.
I needed Aurora or Snow.
My only problem was that I had no farsnarking idea where to go.
The desert was a valley, surrounded on all sides by ginormous mountains, extravagant ranges-in other words, my home. Or danger, whichever you want to call it.
I knew there mountains near the sea, the sun set behind the mountains of Boradia and rose over those in Ludrecka. Whether those mountains were the same as those engulfing me, I knew not.
I finally decided on riding north, where I new my birthplace to be, however clueless I was as to if this dismal place lay further north than Wypsteria, but I would have to try. Anything was better than staying here.
And so my journey began.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

le gasp!

I watched another girl’s body being carried out of the palace. My hand clenched around the edge of the basket I held. I shifted it and patted the papers n my pocket, the marriage contract between Ben and I. I owed Snow and Aurora something fierce for that one, next time I saw either of them again. By their power alone was I staying alive.
I took my basket downstairs to the laundries. There was a tiny breeze today, breaking the stillness ever so slightly, especially downstairs, where all the windows were thrown wide open. Found Schezzie lurking about and caught her fast.
“Schezzie, love, what’s wrong?”
Her face was drawn, her eyes red. She set down the sheet she was mending and turned to face me. Her eyes were red and puffy. I dropped my load and ran to hug her.

I stood in the doorway, using that ancient servants’ technique of being completely invisible no matter how many people were in a room. Normally, they carried the bodies out at this time and I was terribly worried about Schezzie. I could see Koru in his sitting room. He would write several things, drop his quill, walk around his desk twice, pulling at his hair, then start all over again when he sat down.
Johan came down the stairs, carrying a bundle.
My heart fluttered and I willed Koru not to glance into the hallway, for fear he would drop dead of an apoplexy on the spot.
Then I saw that Johan was alone. He was carrying bedclothes.
The plan had worked.
I ran across the hall to Koru’s study, slamming the door behind me. He glanced up and reminded me


This one is just liittle pieces wth no relevance really

“Joella, pray with me. Please.”
I couldn’t deny the look in his face. He took my hands in his and we both fell to our knees. Leaning our foreheads together, his breath whispered over my face.
“Father, we ask that you help us along this journey. Give us hope in the face of adversity. Let your light shine through us no matter how dark the night we walk in. Lord, give me strength to protect her, to watch over her, to provide everything for her. God, may she say yes.” I opened my eyes, staring at him through my eyelashes at this. “We thank you for the gifts you give us and ask that watch over our loved ones. Amen,” and he looked right back into my eyes. He squeezed my hands.
“Marry me, Jo.”
I was so taken aback I actually jumped. Shaking, I readjusted my hands within his and tried to say yes, but nothing came out. I finally nodded my head, crying all the while. Ben leaped backward into the air, giving a huge cheerful yell and causing a raucous. I stood up and grabbed him-he kept bouncing and parading around. He held me soundly and kissed me multiple times, smiling all the while.

I whipped my head up as I heard the clock's first strike. Gazing around frantically, I saw Cinderella rushing out the front door. I handed the platter I held to Stella and ran after her, just as the prince did.
"Cindy! Wait!"
She paused momentarily as the clock struck again. I almost stumbled down the steps to her. "Cinderella, you HAVE to tell the prince good night!"
She knotted her fists in the skirts of her gown. "Oh, must I?"
I slitted my eyes at her and said, "Just GO!" The clock struck again.

The old kitchen maid turned around and I stared into my own brown eyes. She gasped and dropped the basket of fruit. I set down my laundry and ran to her. She held me tight and cried.
"Is it really you? My little Joella?"
I leaned back and looked into her face. She was still just as beautiful as ever

When everything falls apart
I’ll always come back to you
Even when I’m gone forever
I’ll come back to you,
Someway, somehow I will
Come Hell or high water
Ill come back to you
Even if you won’t take me
I’ll come back to you
Were you to refuse to take me in your arms
I’d still come back to you
But knowing I’m safe in your hold
Makes me always come back to you

“Joella, we have guests coming in two days. Please be sure the cooks are ready. The messenger sad something about apples, but for the life of me, I cannot remember what! Make sure there is an even number of apple dishes.”

I blinked incoherently at Jes. What he was saying made no sense
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, all of the current princesses are grown up and married. We’re sending you to work with a lord in Deckfloria for a time.”

Cinderella, dressed in yella, went upstars...and fell rightback down again

“Oh, for Heavens Cindy!”
                This child was bent on being the death of me. I shooed her back up the stairs and leapt down the last few steps, racing for the stables as I heard the third strike. Cindy’s driver was lounging outside with the hostlers and other coachmen.
                “Fernand! Cinderella has to leave NOW! Get the carriage!”
                He sped off and I waited there, trying to catch my breath.  One of the hostlers was looking at me curiously. I turned my head and actually looked at him and gasped.
                I ran to my brother and hugged him tightly at the fourth strike. He was taller than me by at least a head. He looked very much like Papa had the last time I had seen him.  His hair was wavy and dark and his eyes were a deep brown. He had Mama’s nose and he smiled my own smile at me.
                “Can it really be you, my sister? I haven’t seen you since I was no more than a lad! Why, it was when Snow White was no more than nine, yes?”
                I nodded and hugged him tighter. It had been at least ten years since I had seen him. The clock struck again and I jumped back as Cindy’s carriage pulled up.
                ‘Gustav, I must fly! I will find you again, I promise!
I jumped onto the side railing and Fernand sped off.
Cindy was just turning away from the prince and rushing down the stairs as we pulled up. I jumped down and opened the door for her. I heard the clock strike again and looked at Cindy frantically; she was halfway down and struggling with one of her glass slippers. She started as the clock struck and down she went.
She rolled end of end down the steps of the palace. I could only stare, mouth agape, as she showed her bloomers to the prince and I. she landed at my feet on her rump. I yanked her up and nearly threw her into the carriage as the clock struck again.
“Go Fernand! Go with the wind!”
We blasted out the palace gates and down the road. Cinderella was red in the face. Her hair was rumpled and her dress was positively ruined.  I sighed.
‘Well, Cindy, did you enjoy yourself at least?”
Her face lit up like a ballroom. “Oh, Joella, yes! I had the most magnificent time! I danced with the prince the entire night! Oh, Joella, if you only knew! I’ve never had such fun!”
I noticed the carriage shrinking. Fernand pulled to a stop and ushered us from within. Cindy’s dress was diminishing, as were my clothes. Fernand livery was changing back to tatters. The carriage returned to its pumpkin size.
I picked up the pumpkin, took Fernand and Cindy each by an arm, and led them home.

The next day, all those damned step-sisters could do was nag nag nag about how the prince had kept his attention on one maiden all night! How dare he! I shook my head every time I heard this. Cindy was walking around positively glowing for another week at least.
A week after the ball, someone knocked loudly on the door calling, “Royal message for any maidens of the house!”
I opened the door. I gasped and hugged the man. It was none other than Gustav yet again!
“Joella! Whatever are you doing hugging the princes messenger? Get you dirty hands off of him!”
The step-mother’s voice shrilled at me from the staircase. I let go of Gustav and said, “Lady, my brother brings a message from the prince. It is for the young ladies of the house. Shall I call them?”
Her dark eyes bored into me. I resisted her. ‘No need,” she trilled, “they heard the summons. My daughters are on their way down.”
The girls came down and I motioned to Cinderella to stay in the doorway of the kitchen to listen.
Gustav cleared his throat and read: “By royal order of His majesty prince Cradley, each maiden who attended the royal ball a week past is to try on this shoe,” he pulled a glass slipper from his pocket,” and whomsoever fits it, shall be seen immediately by the prince. Further measure will be taken from there.”
I heard Cindy gasp as the shoe was brought into view. She nearly dropped her water bucket. Gustav marched inside and knelt before Consuella. She lifted her foot and placed it into the slipper. Her foot was much too long to fit inside such a dainty shoe. She huffed and ran upstairs. Gustav moved to Rosemarie. Her foot was extremely too fat to even get two toes in the shoe.
Gustav turned to me next. The stepmother sniffed. ‘Don’t be ridiculous sir! Joella did not attend the ball! She was home cleaning! I suggest you move on….”
“Mam’selle, I know my sister when I see her and I DID see her the night of the ball. She WAS there, therefore I MUST try the shoe on her.”
She huffed and left the room. I knelt down to Gustav and said, “Brother, you know it was not I who slipped the shoe. I was there, true, but, yon maiden in the doorway is the one who left the shoe, see? She has a bruise on her arm from toppling down the steps. Come and try the shoe Cindy.”
She set down her bucket and walked over to me, trembling. Gustav fitted the shoe on her foot perfectly. He gasped and jumped up.
‘I shall return in a moment!”
He ran out the door. I could see him at the carriage he had pulled up in. He opened the passenger door and talked to someone within. Then, he stepped aside and out came the prince in all his finery! I caught Cindy under the elbows to keep her from fainting.
Gustav came back in and bowed the prince inside. I heard a scream from upstairs. Rosemarie had been watching. The prince didn’t even flinch.
He took Cindy’s hand in his. “Dear maiden, can it be? Are you the fair lady I danced the night away with until you fled at midnight? Indeed it is! I recognize those eyes! I have come to ask you to marry me.”
This time I couldn’t catch her. She really did faint. The step mother fell against the wall as the prince went to one knee.

here comes the blushing....

It was bloody freezing. I gripped the balcony railing hard.
I had nowhere else to go. All the princesses were grown up and married now.
My job was done.
I felt a hollow, empty presence within myself. I didn’t know what to do with myself.  I looked up into the rain, letting it hit my face. Closing my eyes, I wished Ben were there beside me.
I stood that way for several seconds before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned. It was Gustav.
“What are you going to do now, Joella?”
I looked down. “I wish I knew.”
He lifted my chin and smiled in the corner of his mouth.
“Listen sister. We have lived full adventurous lives, yes?”
I nodded and hugged him.
‘Well, tomorrow I return to somewhere. I liked it very much there. Perhaps she will take me back as a hostler. And who knows what else could happen?”
I leaned back and looked up at him. He had the wickedest grin on his face. I smacked his chest and said, “You’ve a sweeting there don’t you? Oh I knew it!”
His grin crossed his entire face. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. He brushed a curl behind my ear and said, “Oh, Jo, I do hope you get what you deserve. I really do.’ He kissed my forehead again and was gone.
I turned back to the railing, looking out over the palace grounds. I had run these grounds so many times! What was I to do now?
Again I wished for Benjamin.
I felt a shudder go down my spine. Someone was watching me. I turned and gasped.
It was Ben.
He was bedraggled and damp. Rather damp actually, as though he’d been riding for hours. He was leaning casually against the doorframe, his arms and legs crossed, smiling, and watching me. His hair hung in front of his green eyes, but I could see them perfectly fine. He was a vision in royal blue, the color he looked best in.
I took a deep breath and leaned against the railing, clutching my chest.  He bit his upper lip and started walking towards me. I couldn’t tell if he was crying or just wet. A chill ran over me again.
He seemed almost ethereal, walking towards me in the pouring rain. I’m not sure whether my breath came so fast and hard because he was here, he was walking towards me. Or that I was just going into shock from standing in the rain so long. 
The he touched me.
His fingers brushed my temple, dragging hair from my face. Electricity sparked over me, making my hair stand on end. I leaned into his hand, dying to know he was real, he was here with me.
“Oh, Joella, mi amour.”
I fell forward onto his chest and sobbed.
He held me close, his face in my hair. He smelled of horses and rain and pine needles, just like always. His arms held me tight, wanting to push me as close to him as possible.
I took my arms from between my chest and his and my fists pounded on his chest.
I was frustrated that he hadn’t written. I was mad at myself for not writing him. He grabbed my wrists and put them both in one hand, pinning them between our chests. I leaned into him again. His other hand lifted my chin.
His green eyes twinkled. The smile on his face hurt me to look at, so stunning it was. His hand moved from my chin to the base of my skull and he kissed me.
I kissed him back-hard.
He let go of my hands and I wrapped them around him. He took my head in his hands and pushed me closer. Then he pushed me away.
“Oh, Ben I’m sorry! I never meant to-“
He kissed me again to shut me up. One hand rested on my back. The other was suddenly on my legs, bending my knees. He swept my up and carried me inside.
He set me in the chair nearest the fire and threw another log in. He started to remove his livery.
‘Get out of the dress.
I stared at him incredulously. Really?
He continued stripping and looked back at me when he was down to his breeches.
“Do you WANT to get hypothermia, woman? Get out of the dress.
I supposed I was still stunned by his arrival. Slowly, I undid the ties in front. My hands were cold and stiff and I couldn’t undo the back lacings.
Suddenly, I found his hand over mine, undoing the lacings. His lips were at my neck as he did so, making me tingle. He moved my hair, holding it on top of my head, while he unclasped my jewelry. He then removed every single pin from my hair. My dress fell as my hair did, cascading down my bare back in waves of curls.
I heard Ben inhale behind me and his arms wrapped around em again. I turned and tore a blanket from the bed, wrapping it around his shoulders. We collapsed into the chair. I leaned my head against his chest, smelling him again.
Aurora waved goodbye to me, running alongside the carriage as fast as she could. I reached out and took her hand, tears filling my eyes. Her hand slipped and I sat back down. Ben reached down from the back of the carriage and kissed her hand.
"Adios, mi amiga!" he called. I heard her reply similarly from behind us. I poked my head out and looked back.
She was gone.
The days passed and each was hotter than the one before. The thick forest I had grown up in gave way to brush, and eventually to flat prairie, and then to nothing. I gasped at the landscape before me, hoping it would not be my new home.
'Yes, my love?"
'Where are we?"
He sighed and removed his jacket. We had stopped to water the horses and to eat lunch. It was sweltering outside. I leaned back and spread out on the heat baked ground. Ugh, this place was indeed dismal.
"We're in the desert. They call this place Araticia. It is ruled by a sultan by the name of Jasvard. He has a niece named Jezzibel. They says he is very beautiful and possibly an enchantress."
"Oh? How do you hear all this gossip Ben? You're only a stable boy!'
He looked into the distance, towards his home. 'I have my ways."
"Pfft. is that where we're going?"
"Yes'm. To serve the princess 'til she's married."
I turned my head to gaze over at him better. He was splayed on his jacket. The reddish tones in his hair shone under the harshness of the sun. I knew i was going to burn badly if I stayed out here much longer. I jumped up and got back in the carriage. I opened all the windows and undid the top clasp of my dress.